- TAK_music
- Mali-Blues
- Blues
- World Music
Bassekou Kouyate & Band
Er ist «ein Genie und der lebende Beweis dafür, dass der Blues aus Mali kommt», sagt Taj Mahal über seinen Kollegen Bassekou Kouyate. Er gilt als der weltweit beste Spieler der Ngoni, der traditionellen, westafrikanischen Langhals-Spiesslaute. Er tourte bereits mit Künstlern wie Ali Farka Toure, Toumani Diabate, Taj Mahal, Joachim Kühn oder Sir Paul McCartney auf der Bühne und partizipierte mehrmals bei Damon Albarns «Africa Express».
Mit seiner «groovigen» Band Ngoni ba, die aus verschiedenen Ngonis verschiedener Stimmung, diverse Perkussionsinstrumente und der fantastischen Sängerin Amy Sacko besteht, ist er bereits weltweit auf renommierten Festivals (z.B Glastonbury, Roskilde, Fuji Rock Festival, North Sea Jazz Festival) und in Konzerthäusern wie der Elbphilharmonie erfolgreich aufgetreten. 2013 wurde er von der BBC zum «best African artist of the year» gewählt. Seine aktuelle CD «Miri» wurde vom Songlines Magazin 2019 zum «Best Album of the Year» gekürt. 2020 erhielt er den Songlines Music Award in der Kategorie «Best Artist».
Er ist einer der Hauptprotagonisten beim Kinofilm «Mali Blues», der u.a. auch auf ARTE lief.
Er ist einer der Hauptprotagonisten beim Kinofilm “Mali Blues“, der u.a. auch auf ARTE lief.
«Was er auf 2 Saiten spielt, schaffe ich nicht einmal auf 6»
He is "a genius and living proof that the blues comes from Mali," says Taj Mahal about his colleague Bassekou Kouyate. The link to the blues lies in the ancient instrument Ngoni itself a traditional West African long-necked spear lute, widely regarded as the African ancestor of the banjo.
The undisputed master of the Ngoni has made the instrument a household name. It is the combination of his virtuos style of playing and the numerous innovations he has added to the ancient instrument by adding more strings and introducing effects devices such as a wah wah pedal.
His breakthrough came with the Symmetric Orchestra an allstar quartet formed with Toumani Diabate and Keletigui Diabate. He was then handpicked by the late Ali Farka Toure to play lead Ngoni on his famous last album ‘Savane’. For Ali Farka Toure Bassekou was “a raw diamond” in Malis music scene.
2007 Bassekou Kouyate & Ngoni Ba broke into the international musicmarket with his own group, the Ngoni quartet ‘Ngoni Ba’. It is the first band made up of four Ngonis, introducing the first Ngoni bass.
Their debut album ‘Segu Blue’ owned them numerous BBC awards and is the starting point of his international career that has taken him around the world. With his virtuosity he creates soundscapes that lie somewhere between blues, jazz, rock and traditional Malian music. He has worked with musicians such as Damon Albarn, Youssou Ndour, Michael League (Snarky Puppy) and Taj Mahal, among others, and was a long-time accompanist of Ali Farka Toure. For over 20 years he has toured internationally at renowned festivals (e.g. Glastonbury, New Orleans Jazz Festival, Fuji Rock Festival, North Sea Jazz Festival), in concert halls such as the Elbphilharmonie and in numerous clubs. Every concert is an experience and remains in the best memory of most visitors. Today Bassekou performs with different lineups. If he is not on tour with Ngoni Ba, he performs intimate duo concerts with his wife, the famous Malian singer Amy Sacko, represents Mali at official state celebrations or experiments in a minimalistic Quartet format backed only by vocals, an electric bass and a drum kit.
«Was er auf 2 Saiten spielt, schaffe ich nicht einmal auf 6»
He is "a genius and living proof that the blues comes from Mali," says Taj Mahal about his colleague Bassekou Kouyate. The link to the blues lies in the ancient instrument Ngoni itself a traditional West African long-necked spear lute, widely regarded as the African ancestor of the banjo.
The undisputed master of the Ngoni has made the instrument a household name. It is the combination of his virtuos style of playing and the numerous innovations he has added to the ancient instrument by adding more strings and introducing effects devices such as a wah wah pedal.
His breakthrough came with the Symmetric Orchestra an allstar quartet formed with Toumani Diabate and Keletigui Diabate. He was then handpicked by the late Ali Farka Toure to play lead Ngoni on his famous last album ‘Savane’. For Ali Farka Toure Bassekou was “a raw diamond” in Malis music scene.
2007 Bassekou Kouyate & Ngoni Ba broke into the international musicmarket with his own group, the Ngoni quartet ‘Ngoni Ba’. It is the first band made up of four Ngonis, introducing the first Ngoni bass.
Their debut album ‘Segu Blue’ owned them numerous BBC awards and is the starting point of his international career that has taken him around the world. With his virtuosity he creates soundscapes that lie somewhere between blues, jazz, rock and traditional Malian music. He has worked with musicians such as Damon Albarn, Youssou Ndour, Michael League (Snarky Puppy) and Taj Mahal, among others, and was a long-time accompanist of Ali Farka Toure. For over 20 years he has toured internationally at renowned festivals (e.g. Glastonbury, New Orleans Jazz Festival, Fuji Rock Festival, North Sea Jazz Festival), in concert halls such as the Elbphilharmonie and in numerous clubs. Every concert is an experience and remains in the best memory of most visitors. Today Bassekou performs with different lineups. If he is not on tour with Ngoni Ba, he performs intimate duo concerts with his wife, the famous Malian singer Amy Sacko, represents Mali at official state celebrations or experiments in a minimalistic Quartet format backed only by vocals, an electric bass and a drum kit.
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